The absolute basics

First things first, we can make words bold, italic or both. We can also switch to a monospace font if we ever need to present a thing verbatim — inline code, for instance.

Long text isn’t justified nor hyphenated, as you can see below.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum massa in eros maximus, eu gravida est iaculis. Fusce dignissim maximus rutrum. Vivamus ac vulputate ipsum. Proin nec elit arcu. Aliquam vitae euismod ex. Donec varius nec sapien non condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam feugiat velit eleifend mauris aliquam, vitae iaculis quam luctus. Suspendisse consequat nibh eget nulla porttitor, ut fringilla mi sollicitudin. Nunc sit amet gravida sapien, nec tempus risus. Mauris eget rhoncus nibh. Vivamus lacinia placerat est eget eleifend. Ut interdum sapien in nisi rutrum pulvinar. Nullam vel dui ut felis tincidunt hendrerit.

A link doesn’t get any special treatment when in the post, expect when hovered over. Selecting a portion of normal text should not lead to strange colours.
Similar non-exciting behaviour can be expected for titles’ size.

Thanks to Zola’s syntax highlighting, it was easy to render code properly. In order to solve horizontal overflow, I opted for overflow-x: scroll at first. After watching this YouTube video, I decided to use overflow-x: auto;.

    <title>Hello, world!</title>
        h1 {
            font-family: sans-serif;
        console.log("Hello, world!");
    <h1 id="top-site">Hello, world!</h1>
    <img src="/foo.png" alt="The most stunning view of Milan (ITA).">

The <hr> tag should also behave properly and accordingly to the overall style.

Like this. I took the freedom to deviate a bit from the original CSS hints, and the result is much more bearable.